Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 5: Sending Out the "Bat Signal"

Ok everybody, we are sending out the "Bat Signal" and asking our Prayer Warriors to suit up...we need you once again!  Cooper is battling more head pain today; he's upset, crying and getting so worked up he can't keep down any food or drink.  Dr. Mangano and the rest of Coopr's team have decided it's time to take further action: a MRI was ordered, a big dose of steroid was given and plans were made to transfer back to PICU for stronger pain medicine.  Dr. Mangano thinks Cooper is struggling due to aseptic meningitis, not the scary meningitis everyone is thinking of, but just more swelling and inflammation around his surgical area-which may be the reason he is experiencing so much pain and nausea 5 days after surgery.  Something needs to change, and we are hoping this new change in course is the missing link to get our HeadStrong on his road and home soon.

So, Prayer Warriors unite, (just like the SuperHeros Cooper watches on TV), we are shining the "Bat Signal" brightly into the sky, asking for the power of prayer to give Coop and his parents the turning point they so desperately need!  Pray for clarity, pray for decreased pain and swelling, pray for strength for they need for their second wind, and pray for God's all powerful healing touch.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path."  Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Thank you, and yes....we will certainly keep praying! Danise

  2. "In ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him; who've been called according to HIs purposes."- Romans 8:28
    I keep hearing this verse as I pray for you all. So hard to understanding "why" all this suffering is happening. So hard. But, trusting Him....
    As I cry out asking the Lord for clarity, healing and strength, I hear this for you:

    "The Holy Spirit is praying for Cooper!“ THE Spirit Himself speaks to God for us, and even begs God for us with deep feelings that words cannot explain” (Romans 8:26 NCV).

    You all are not alone.
    The Bat-Signal has reached heaven and there will be bright days ahead. Looking forward to the end and a healed celebration party. I know just the girl that likes to plan those types of parties (Hmmm... Party Planner Megan?) I'm getting excited just thinking about it!
